Navigating Birth Control

Birth control isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. It comes in various forms, including hormonal and non-hormonal options. Each type has unique effects on your body. With Wild.AI's support for over 140 types of birth control, we're ready to empower you with knowledge and insights.

Understanding Birth Control and Its Types

Birth control methods come in various forms, from oral contraceptives to IUDs, and each can impact your physiology differently. Let's unravel the nuances of birth control and how it affects your life.

1. Hormonal Birth Control:

  • Types: Hormonal birth control includes various options like birth control pills, patches, rings, and injections.
  • Hormones: These methods contain synthetic hormones, typically estrogen and progestin, which mimic the hormonal environment of pregnancy.
  • Symptoms: Hormonal fluctuations may lead to potential mood swings, changes in bleeding patterns, and breast tenderness.
  • Effects on Performance: The impact on energy levels and mood can vary. It's essential to adapt your training based on your body's response.

2. Non-Hormonal Birth Control:

  • Types: Non-hormonal methods encompass copper IUDs and barrier methods such as condoms.
  • Hormones: These methods do not introduce synthetic hormones into your body.
  • Symptoms: Since there are no hormonal fluctuations, symptoms are generally minimal.
  • Effects on Performance: Non-hormonal methods typically have a minimal impact on training, allowing you to focus on overall well-being.

3. Emergency Contraception:

  • Types: Emergency contraception primarily consists of morning-after pills.
  • Hormones: These pills contain a high dose of synthetic hormones to prevent pregnancy.
  • Symptoms: Temporary hormonal fluctuations may occur.
  • Effects on Performance: While the long-term impact is minimal, staying hydrated and maintaining focus is essential during this period.

Training with Birth Control

  • Hormonal Birth Control: Be aware of potential energy fluctuations and mood changes; adjust training intensity accordingly.
  • Non-Hormonal Birth Control: Focus on maintaining a consistent training routine and address any menstrual cycle changes.

Nutrition and Birth Control

Consider maintaining a well-balanced diet with nutrients like iron and calcium, as birth control can sometimes affect nutrient absorption. Hydration and sleep are crucial for overall well-being.


Birth control choices are highly personal, and they should empower—not hinder—your athletic journey. By understanding how different forms of birth control affect your body and training, you can optimize your performance. In our next installment, we'll explore another life stage, the absence of a period, and how to excel during these times. Stay tuned for more data-driven insights to elevate your performance.